HAMPO Transportation Studies

Liberty Transit Transit Development Plan: Transit agencies evaluate their Transit Development Plans (TDP) every five years as a prerequisite for the receipt of federal and state funding. The TDP update process provides transit agencies with the opportunity to define public transportation needs, solicit input from stakeholders and the public, identify capital and operational deficiencies, and define courses of action to advance the mission and goals of the transit agency. 

On May 17, 2018 Hinesville City Council adopted the Liberty Transit 2018 TDP:

2018 Liberty Transit Transit Development Plan (2018-05-17)

2018 TDP (appendix)

Current Activities

Federal law requires that metropolitan planning organizations publish an annual list of obligated projects. 

§ 450.334 Annual listing of obligated projects.

(a) In metropolitan planning areas, on an annual basis, no later than 90 calendar days following the end of the program year, the State, public transportation operator(s), and the MPO shall cooperatively develop a listing of projects (including investments in pedestrian walkways and bicycle transportation facilities) for which funds under 23 U.S.C. or 49 U.S.C. Chapter 53 were obligated in the preceding program year.

(b) The listing shall be prepared in accordance with § 450.314(a) and shall include all federally funded projects authorized or revised to increase obligations in the preceding program year, and shall at a minimum include the TIP information under § 450.326(g)(1) and (4) and identify, for each project, the amount of Federal funds requested in the TIP, the Federal funding that was obligated during the preceding year, and the Federal funding remaining and available for subsequent years.

(c) The listing shall be published or otherwise made available in accordance with the MPO’s public participation criteria for the TIP.

The FY 2021 HAMPO Obligated Projects are listed below:

SR 196 / SR 119 / EG Miles Parkway Corridor Study

This corridor serves the primary entrance for the Liberty Regional Medical Center, commercial shopping plazas, residential subdivisions, the headquarters for City of Hinesville Public Works Department and Liberty Transit and is located 1 mile from Fort Stewart Military Installation’s main access gate. The corridor carries between 17,000 – 21,700 AADT with numerous at grade intersections and commercial drives, and cross sections varying between 4 lanes with unchannelized medians and 4 lanes with no median infrastructure.

The 2045 HAMPO Metropolitan Transportation Plan was adopted in October 2020 and identified this roadway as a high crash corridor, as well as an area targeted for substantial land development. Three capacity, safety, and freight supportive operational enhancement projects were recommended by the MTP as high priorities for the MPO region. In addition, a local TSPLOST referendum was successfully passed for Liberty County in 2020 and identified this corridor as a key location for investment of 30% STIP eligible funding. Since the adoption of the MTP, GDOT District 4 performed a signal warrants analysis within this corridor and determined that operational improvements to facilitate existing AADT volumes were needed, while also recommending that a safety analysis be performed for the entire corridor. A coordination meeting was held with local and state elected officials, GDOT partners, industry experts, and local MPO leadership, where consensus was reached that a comprehensive corridor analysis is needed to understand existing and future transportation issues and how best to utilize the various public and private transportation funds available for capital improvements for the corridor. The results of this meeting were presented to the MPO Committees with unanimous support to pursue funding for a comprehensive corridor analysis.

This corridor study was presented to the Georgia Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations (GAMPO) for funding at the March 29, 2021 meeting. This study passed unanimously, and will receive $200,000 in funding to evaluate this corridor. 

The study was completed in October 2022, and is available below:


Road Safety Audit – State Route 196/Elma G. Miles Parkway (Live Oak Church Road to Veterans Parkway)

Based on analysis of crash data, this 1.7 mile road segment stood out with a high crash count when compared to similar roads in our area. At the request of HAMPO, GDOT initiated and completed a road safety audit to document existing corridor conditions and make recommendations to improve safety along the corridor:


HAMPO conducts studies in order to gain a detailed and comprehensive understanding of existing or perceived transportation issues. The goals of these studies are to develop strategies and recommendations that can move the potential projects toward implementation using Federal, State, and Local transportation dollars. For additional information contact Jeff Ricketson.


Links to Previous Transportation Studies:

Highway Planning

Traffic Counts

Transit Planning

For additional information contact Jeff Ricketson.

All publications herein were prepared in cooperation with the Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. The opinions, findings, and conclusions in these publications are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the Department of Transportation, State of Georgia, or the Federal Highway Administration.