In accordance with the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act), state Departments of Transportation and Metropolitan Planning Organizations must use a transportation performance management approach in carrying out their federally-required transportation planning and programming activities. The process requires the establishment and use of a coordinated performance-based approach to transportation decision-making to support national goals for the federal-aid highway and public transportation programs. For more information on Performance Management visit Federal Highway Administration Website:



HAMPO has adopted the following Performance Measures (PM) for project planning and post project performance:

  • PM I – Safety: Are we reducing crash frequency and severity?
  • PM II – State of Good Repair: Are we maintaining our systems?
  • PM III – Congestion: Are we managing our travel times by holding or increasing our level of service?
  • PM It – Transit Assets: Are our transit fleets and facilities maintained and replaced on a regular schedule?

The GDOT 2022 Safety Performance Measures were adopted by the HAMPO Policy Committee on December 9, 2021. The resolution is available for viewing here

The following linked document details HAMPO’s adopted performance management and associated measures noting all the below in this single file with table of contents.

  • System Performance Report (PM1 Safety) 
  • Transportation Performance Management Targets 
  • TIP and MTP – Project List with Performance Measures 
  • December 12, 2019: Resolution adopting the 2020 Safety Performance Measures 
  • February 14, 2019: Resolution adopting the 2019 Safety Performance Measures
  • November 8, 2018: Performance Management Resolution to:
    • Adopt Georgia Department of Transportation and the Georgia Association of Metropolitan Planning Organization transportation performance management targets, and
    • Amend the 2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) to include transportation performance management targets, and
    • Amend the 2018-2021 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) to include transportation performance management targets.
  • TIP and MTP Performance Measure Amendment
  • Georgia Performance Management Agreement
  • Performance-Based Transit Planning Agreement