Updated Jul 14, 2012

The Liberty Consolidated Planning Commission was created in late 2004 by local ordinances adopted by each local government in Liberty County. The Ordinances dissolved the Hinesville Planning and Zoning Board and the Joint Planning Commission that functioned for the County and the municipalities other than Hinesville. It established January 1, 2005 as the official beginning for the Consolidated Planning Commission, and provided a transition period for the phase-out of the two existing planning agencies. Each local government also signed an inter-local agreement that details the operations and funding for the new consolidated agency.


Develop and maintain a holistic, unified comprehensive plan for all of our communities that reflects the vision of the majority of our citizens that is adopted by all local governments in Liberty County, pursuant to the Georgia Service Delivery Strategy Law, O.C.G.A. § 36-70-1 et seq. (the Service Delivery Law”).

  • Prepare an integrated land use plan for the future of our communities
  • Document our existing land uses, including affordable housing
  • Determine where growth can be realistically and efficiently accommodated and identify the needs for affordable housing
  • Solicit community input and develop our vision for growth
  • Conduct careful and comprehensive surveys and studies of existing conditions and probable future developments and prepare and recommend to the participating local governments such plans for the physical, social and economic growth as will best promote the public health, safety, morals, convenience, prosperity, and/or general welfare, including efficiency and economy in the development of its jurisdiction.
  • Forecast growth in population, dwelling units and employment
  • Allocate anticipated growth to sub-areas within the county
  • Prepare a future land use map that indicates our desired growth and development patterns
  • Develop an Intermodal transportation plan that supports the comprehensive plan
  • Review the current long range transportation plan in light of the comprehensive plan
  • Revise, as needed, land use forecasts used for travel forecasting
  • Modify, as needed, the current long range plan
  • Prepare and recommend for adoption to any participating local government as recommended by HAMPO a corridor map or maps, showing the location of the boundary lines of existing, proposed, extended, widened or narrowed streets, bypasses or transportation alternatives.
  • Prepare a county-wide infrastructure plan that will efficiently serve and guide the growth patterns in the comprehensive plan
    • Document current infrastructure serving all areas
    • Determine the capacities available to support expected growth
    • Prepare a plan of additional facilities needed to support the comprehensive plan

Develop unified land development regulations that guide the implementation of the community’s comprehensive plan

  • Consider alternative regulations and zonings to implement the comprehensive plan
  • Review regulations and zoning followed by other governments in the region, state and nation
  • Develop alternatives that might best fit our conditions
  • Review and receive input on alternative approaches to regulations and zoning with citizens and local overnments
  • Develop and implement a process for citizen involvement
  • Hold several county-wide workshops for all elected officials to refine alternatives
  • Prepare, based on review and input, a single county-wide zoning ordinance for adoption by each local government
  • Develop a final draft of ordinance and review with each local government
  • Finalize ordinance for adoption by each government
  • Prepare new individual and specific zoning district maps for adoption by each local government
  • Prepare and recommend to local governments the adoption of resolutions, amendments or revisions to local use or land development regulations, including subdivision regulations, special ordinances, zoning map regulations or map amendments which shall be subject to the approval of the affected jurisdiction.
  • Provide professional planning, zoning and engineering review assistance to our citizens and all local governments in our Count
    Provide a diverse staff of professionals with the knowledge and skills to assist our citizens and governments with their planning and zoning issues and review of development plans and engineering designs
  • Develop and implement a service delivery strategy that is both efficient and responsive to the citizens of Liberty County
  • Hire qualified professionals
  • Provide training to keep up to date with current trends as needed
  • Seek to retain staff to ensure continuity and experience
  • Serve as a convenient “one stop shop” for all planning and zoning actions, as well as engineering review of development plans and designs
  • Locate offices in a central location near other government services to best serve all citizens
  • Provide convenient and effective access to planning, zoning and engineering review information for both citizens and local officials


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