City of Hinesville
Mayor: Karl Riles
City Manager: Kenneth Howard
City Clerk: Estella L. Roberson
City Council meetings:
First and third Thursday of each month at 3:00 p.m. at City Hall,115 E M.L. King, Jr. Drive, Hinesville
For specific information, please consult links below or contact Todd Kennedy.
Hinesville Business License Application form
Building Permit Application (including towers & antenna, swimming pool, single family house permit, sign permit, renovation/repair, move permit, modular home permit, mobile home permit , and commercial forms (packets)
Zoning related forms (including rezoning, conditional use, special exception, variance applications
Liberty County Property Information System (PRISYM) For zoning, city limits, parcel information, aerials, and USFWS national wetlands inventory.
Downtown Redevelopment Overlay District Design Review. The map of the overlay district shows its boundaries and the 5 sub-areas and it can also be found on the Hinesville GIS property identifier map. Development in the downtown may require design review in accordance with the design guidelines. There are two design review checklists – one for the Historic Urban Core and one for the other sub-areas. For additional information please email Mardee Sanchez.