1. I have a concern about a transportation problem, how do I file a complaint?

by on Aug 5, 2013

We maintain a formal transportation comment/complaint log to address these types of issues. You will be informed as we address your concern. Please contact us [more…]

2. When are the next meetings and can I address a committee with my transportation concerns?

by on Aug 5, 2013

Meetings of the three HAMPO committees (Citizens, Technical and Policy) are bimonthly and occur on a regular schedule. For example the Policy Committee meets on [more…]

3. Are maps showing proposed transportation improvements available?

by on Aug 5, 2013

Yes, they can be located in “Transit Improvement Plans” available for review or download under the HAMPO “plans and documents” tab. The TIP contains projects [more…]

4. What is HAMPO?

by on Aug 5, 2013

HAMPO is an acronym for “Hinesville Area Metropolitan Planning Organization”. HAMPO provides for a regulated transportation planning process for Liberty and Long Counties; Allenhurst, Flemington, [more…]