Transit planning is funded per an annual section 5303 planning assistance grant to provide for effective, affordable and accessible public transportation options and alternatives in the Metropolitan Planning Area:

  • Provide planning, administration, and coordination in support of transit and associated public infrastructural improvements both regionally and inside the Metropolitan Planning Area.
  • Improve mobility by expanding modal choice through increased transit and alternative transportation facilities and services with emphasis on under-served populations.
  • Integrate walk-ability planning into development, local, HAMPO and regional plans.


Liberty Transit ( is a fixed route bus transit system operated in the Hinesville Urban Area and funded with a combination of local, state and federal section 5307 funds. HAMPO coordinates planning activities and provides technical assistance.

TRANSIT DEVELOPMENT PLAN Update: Transit agencies evaluate their Transit Development Plans (TDP) every five years as a prerequisite for the receipt of federal and state funding. The TDP update process provides transit agencies with the opportunity to define public transportation needs, solicit input from stakeholders and the public, identify capital and operational deficiencies, and define courses of action to advance the mission and goals of the transit agency.

On June 20, 2024, the Hinesville City Council adopted the Liberty Transit 2024 TDP:

On May 17, 2018 Hinesville City Council adopted the 2018 TDP:


With the guidance of City Council, the short-term recommendations are on schedule to be implemented on November 1, 2018 concurrently with implementing complementary paratransit:

  • Revise the route schedule to a simpler time-point structure (the proposed new routes will all have a common headway of 75 minutes (1:15))
  • A single route on Fort Stewart.
  • All routes stop at Liberty Regional Medical Center.
  • Minimize “loops” to improve direct service.
  • Minimize “limited” service runs.
  • Proposed Route Schedule and Map
  • Existing Route Schedule and Map


“Paratransit is a comparable transportation service required by the ADA for individuals with disabilities who are unable to use fixed route transportation systems”

Liberty Transit has been meeting paratransit requirements by offering transit services to the severely disabled by using a deviated route system. Call in today, the bus will show tomorrow at your origin and take you to your destination. Liberty Transit is replacing deviated route with “complementary paratransit service” which is basically a separate but parallel system specifically for the severely disabled. This service is scheduled to start November 1, 2018.

Complementary Paratransit Service Policy:

  • Curb to curb with guidelines on assistance to those passengers who need assistance beyond the curb.
  • Feeder service from curb to fixed route bus stop if the destination is acceptable from a standard bus stop.
  • The service area will be the City Limits for Walthourville, Flemington and Hinesville, ¾ mile from route for Allenhurst, Fort Stewart, Liberty and Long Counties.
  • Time of Service will be from first scheduled stop to last stop minus 30 minutes.
  • Maximum fare is two times regular fare.
  • No premium service will be offered such as same-day, trips beyond the defined service area, or trips before or after the established service hours.


Chatham Area Transit (CAT) has recently completed an assessment of regional transit feasibility. The study can be found below.


