About Us

With a growing concern to ensure that our community developed in the proper manner, Liberty County leaders rated consolidation of County and City planning commissions a top priority at several County-Wide planning sessions.
A study was conducted in 2001 which produced guidelines for implementing consolidated planning and zoning functions.
As a result of the 2000 census, the Hinesville Urban Area was designated. Applications were submitted to the appropriate agencies resulting in the creation of the Hinesville Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (HAMPO); approved by Governor Sonny Perdue in 2003.
In 2004, a Service Delivery Strategy Resolution was signed by all local governments forming the Liberty Consolidated Planning Commission. The Appointment Board consists of Mayors of each municipality, Liberty County Board of Commissioners Chair, Liberty County Board of Education Chair, and the Garrison Commander of Ft. Stewart (ex-officio). Nine members with various backgrounds, representing all geographic areas of our community, were appointed to the Consolidated Commission. Local funding for the LCPC is based on census population.
On January 3, 2005 the LCPC office was opened with an executive director, one zoning staff member from the City of Hinesville’s planning and zoning office, one staff member from Liberty County’s planning and zoning, and one transportation staff member. This would be a central office for all zoning and related activities for each government – a “One Stop Shop”.