Liberty Regional Water Resources Council

Georgia is one of the most naturally diverse states in the country, ranging from the ridges and valleys of northwest Georgia to the marshlands along the eastern coast. According to Department of Natural Resources, more than 9 million people live in Georgia, which often creates challenges for natural resource management. Water conservation encompasses the policies, strategies and activities to manage fresh water as a sustainable resource to meet current and future human demand. Population, household size and growth and affluence all affect how much water is used. The Liberty Regional Water Resources Council (LRWRC) is charged generally with the promotion, development, implementation, and delivery of coordinated and comprehensive water, stormwater, and wastewater planning, in coordination with the Liberty Consolidated Planning Commission, within the unincorporated and corporated areas of Liberty County, Georgia.
The Water Resources Committee members are each of the 7 Mayors of Liberty County’s municipalities, the Liberty County Board of Commissioners Chairman and the Chairman of the Liberty County Development Authority.
The Water Resource Committee Chairman is Liberty County Board of Commissioners Chairman Donald Lovette. The Vice-Chairman is City of Walthourville Mayor Larry Baker
The mission of the Liberty Regional Water Resources Council is to provide the forum for the cooperative planning and provision of water, wastewater and stormwater services for all local governments in Liberty County.
The Liberty Regional Water Resources Council meets on an “as needed” basis.
For additional information contact Mardee Sanchez.
LRWRC Mission Statement – Goals – Objectives
LRWRC Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Bylaws
LRWRC Intergovernmental Agreement